Use System Restore to Undo Changes if Problems Occur - Every time you download or install a new game, application, or software update, you make changes to your computer. Sometimes that change may make your system unstable. Have you ever wanted to go back to the way it was? With System Restore, you can.
System Restore works a lot like the Undo command in Microsoft Word. You can use System Restore to remove any system changes that were made since the last time you remember your computer working correctly. System Restore does not affect your personal data files (such as Microsoft Word documents, browsing history, drawings, favorites, or e-mail) so you won't lose changes made to these files.*
How to restore the operating system to a previous state in Windows XP - This article describes how to use the System Restore tool to return your computer to a previous working state. System Restore takes a "snapshot" of critical system files and some program files and stores this information as restore points. You can use these restore points to return Windows XP to a previous state.*
How Do I Access the Event Viewer Console?
A Faster Way Of Accessing The Windows Event Viewer (XP) - If you frequently access the console you may want to create a shortcut to the Event Viewer on your desktop, making it a little more accessible.*
Event ID Database - The Event ID database contains 8,195 event IDs and 448 event sources, with 12,882 comments provided by 2,766 contributors, 954 submitted events or comments pending validation. EventID.Net has been initiated by Altair Technologies Ltd in February 2001 and since then, there were 28,783,318 queries performed against the database.* 05/19/2006
Keyboard Assistance: Several resources are available to help increase speed and effectiveness for keyboard users. Below you will find keyboard shortcuts for leading Microsoft products that help save time and effort and provide an essential tool for some people with mobility impairments.*
Google Search for Keyboard Shortcuts: Applies to many different applications, not just Windows. Google is Your Friend! ;-)
Standard Windows Keyboard Layout - by Carol A. Bratt - Do you know what all of those different keys on your keyboard do? If you're like most people you don't have a clue what a good deal of them are capable of.
A lot of folks don't even notice the Windows key on their key board and even if they do notice it, they don't know what it does. Usually after I have shown a user one of the uses of the Windows key, there's no holding them; they're clicking all over the place trying to see what else it will do.
You're in luck because I'm going to show you in this article what a good deal of those keys on your keyboard are capable of.* 12/10/2006
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